2a Healthcare and Other Federal Regulations Impacting Information Security

2 years ago

This video module reviews the major Healthcare and Other Federal Regulations Impacting Information Security, such as HIPAA, Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, as well as credit card storage standards (PCI-DDS).

Here is a list of all video modules for Professor Esposito's Information Security course:

1. Introduction
2a Healthcare and Other Federal Regulations (THIS VIDEO)
2b. Physical Security
3. Logical Security Access Control
4. Network Fundamentals
5. Network Security
6. Wireless Security
7. Cryptography
8. Secure Coding: Real-time, Static and Dynamic
9. Malware, Vulnerabilities and Threats
10. Operations and Methods
11. Ops. Info Security Awareness Training
12. Information Security Forensics
13. Quantum Computing & Cryptography
14. IBM Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity
15a. Wireshark Demo
15b. ZenMap (Nmap) Demo

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