The Words the Lord Spoke To Ezekiel Have Zero To Do With Israel In 1948 - Ezekiel Study (14/32)

2 years ago

Ezekiel 4-9 Part 3 - Ezekiel Study
The words the Lord spoke to Ezekiel have nothing to do with 1948 and the re-establishment of Israel and the Holy Land (the Promised Land) or what is now called Israel, this has to do with being recovered from Babylonian captivity. This is a crucial point!
Many pastors and scholars lift this prophecy and these words completely out of context, and create a whole new scheme of stuff that has absolutely no value, whatsoever; and good-hearted Christian people buy into this stuff because they never read their Bibles. They never opened them up to study. They just listen and say, that's what the preacher said, that's the way it is.
This is precisely the problem for Israel in Ezekiel's day: the people have been following their leaders, and their leaders have led them into idolatry and apostasy, and the people don't know God.
I have a purpose for you, therefore, say to them Ezekiel, this is what the sovereign Lord says, I will gather you from the nation's and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered. And I will give you back the land of Israel again. They will return to it, and will remove all its vile images and detestable idols. I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them. I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
How was this going to happen? I want you to understand that the carnal heart cannot regenerate itself into the born-again heart. You can't make yourself born again. That is a miracle that only God can do, and will do, if you submit yourself totally to the will of God. You can't change your heart. You can't put a new spirit in yourself. You can only submit to the spirit. That’s as far as you can go; God has to do the rest.
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