7 Messy Moments of 2021 My Year in Review

3 years ago

In this episode, I look back at 7 messy moments of 2021. On the podcast, I don’t want to just talk theory, but also demonstrate how embracing the messiness of life can lead to a more enriching life.

These messy moments of 2021 include: starting CrossFit, starting a new career, moving to a new state, starting a YouTube channel, and more! Taking on the messiness allowed for new opportunities and growth. Even though it was hectic, I’m so glad for the new adventures that began as a result.

I’ve learned so much by just starting and kicking my perfectionism to the side. Every video I make or podcast I record has shown me ways to improve that just learning about online would never have shown me directly.

Stick around and I’ll share how I’ve been able to enjoy more books and podcasts at the end.

The Beautiful Mess Podcast Episode 07

[0:00] Overview of the Messiness
[1:55] Starting CrossFit
[2:37] Starting a New Job
[3:09] The Move to Tennessee
[5:21] Dedicated Studio Space
[6:22] Starting a YouTube Channel
[8:06] Starting a Podcast
[10:24] From Google Pixel Android to Apple iPhone iOS
[14:28] The Takeaway to Read More Books

ALL PODCAST LINKS: https://linktr.ee/tbmshow

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➡️ You can also follow me here:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/pauldittus
IG: https://www.instagram.com/pauldittus/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pauldittus
Podcast: https://linktr.ee/tbmshow
Website: https://pauldittus.com

Hosted by Paul Dittus (@pauldittus)

#myyearinreview #messymoments #highlightsof2021 #tbmshow #thebeautifulmess #embracethemessinessoflife #podcast #bestof2021 #airpodspro #startingapodcast #startingcrossfit #startingayoutubechannel #startinganewjob #movingtotennessee

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