Probably last grocery haul before baby arrives! How much does it cost??

2 years ago

So, we do not shop weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, but just whenever i see a large amount of good deals which are worth the gasprice to go out shopping (It's a good 30 minute drive to the shops from where we live). My partner also gets bits and bobs at another shop when he's done at work if we are in need of something like fresh produce, milk etc. I got a small working pantry that we eat from, as well as a big freezer box. I refill whatever we need, whenever those products are on sale. We're always trying to stay ahead with our groceries, so we don't run out and can afford to just buy most things when they go on sale. That's why the hauls may be a bit random at times! We shopped at Öob, Willy's and Lidl today. I ordered the Castor oil online, because like i said, mama ain't going to log this baby around for more than 40 weeks. Castor oil started labor with my first son, which was a quick, smooth delivery. Hoping for that again! Much love, Ingrid.

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