Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance) described doing gain-of-function research in 2016

2 years ago

Gain of Function (GoF) is the process of making a pathogen more dangerous. This could be by making it more virulent (sick making) and/or more transmissible. In theory this could happen by natural causes, but in practice it's mostly through artificial manipulation.

There are clear risks associated with such research. If a killer pathogen escapes for instance, it could cause mass death. Because of this reason, the Obama administration put a moratorium on such research.

This article from 2016 discusses GoF and its ethics: 'Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis'

Pathogens are especially dangerous if they are both virulent (sick making) and transmissible. Ebola is highly virulent, but not that transmissible. The supposed omicron variant is transmissible, but not worse than a mild cold.

It seems that Fauci funded gain-of-function research anyway, but just via a different department and calling the exact same thing by another name. It was done in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) on Chinese soil, because it was forbidden on United States soil.

Now he's denying that he funded this research on behalf of the United States and also that it's gain of function. It might be that the changed the definition just as they did with 'pandemic', 'case' (of disease), 'herd immunity', 'anti-vaxxer', 'misinformation', 'conspiracy theory', 'vaccine' and 'fully vaccinated'.

In this video, dr. Peter Daszak, a close partner in crime of Anthony Fauci, describes how he and his colleagues were doing gain-of-function research and development. What he says corresponds precisely to the virological story of the current COVID 'pandemic'. They researched bat coronaviruses that were very similar to SARS. They sequenced the spike protein on this virus, which attaches to cell through receptors such as ACE2. (The spike protein is like a key where the receptor is like a lock.) Then they genetically engineered these spike proteins and tested if they bind to human cells. By iterating this work, you move closer and closer from a virus that only infects bats to a virus that causes disease in humans.


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