Frontline Flash ‘Your Kids Are Worth It’ with Dr Peterson Pierre (1_11_22)

2 years ago

Frontline Flash ‘Your Kids Are Worth It’ with Dr Peterson Pierre (1_11_22)

Every time this man reminds us of the best quality of service and professionalism you cold expect to receive from your GP. The sooner this is restored and all other Dr's who have forsaken their Hippocratic oath are booted out and stand trial the better for all of us.

Frontline Flash™ by with Dr. Peterson Pierre presents Ep. 2009: ‘Your Kids Are Worth It’ (1.11.22). The Real Story of Right Now ~ in 120 Seconds or Less.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (Article 1).
Articles 1 ---30
To save all our rights we have to fight for ourselves and others until they awaken and join us.
Soundgrounder Music

Child Jab, Mandate, Zero, Benefit

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