Daniel’s Book Is A Divine Alarm Clock About To Wake The World From Sleep - Daniel Study (09 of 54)

2 years ago

Daniel 7 Part 3 - Daniel Study

Daniel and Revelation are actually one book separated by 700 years. There are two writers, but Daniel and John write about the same story: Daniel provides the foundational elements and John comes in and writes the conclusion. The way these two books mesh together is an amazing thing to see! The reason this is interesting is that Daniel is the only book in the Bible that’s sealed up until the time of the end. And what this means is, the book of Revelation can't be properly understood until the Book of Daniel is understood.

Newspapers indicate we live in a world that is reeling from conflict and sin. Even those without spiritual eyes can see the world is reeling out of control. They just don’t understand why. It is the unsealing of Daniel that proves to me, beyond a shadow of doubt, we are living at the time of the end. God has set the limits of time.

In Daniel 12, the time of the end is spoken of. Notice in verse 9 what the angel Gabriel says to Daniel: Go now, Daniel, for what I have said is kept secret and sealed until the time of the end. But look at 8:19 and notice what Gabriel says to Daniel: Then he said, I am here to tell you what will happen later in the time of wrath. What you have seen pertains to the very end of time. He’s saying, I want you to remember these three words – Time of Wrath – because the vision that you have received in Daniel 8 concerns the appointed time of the end!

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