Daniel And Revelation Are Actually 1 Book Written By 2 Men Over ~700 Years - Daniel Study (17 of 54)

2 years ago

Daniel 7 Part 11 - Daniel Study

The Book of Daniel is relevant, applicable, and necessary if you're going to understand what we really face. We’re not studying ancient history here for the sake of just reviewing what happened thousands of years ago. We are looking at what happened so that we can understand what will take place. God has given us plenty of history to see how things happened in times past, so that we can be on track – and stay on track – as we follow the scriptures to examine how it's going to unfold in days to come.

I want you to do a little creative thinking for a moment, and I want you to ask yourself an interesting question: if God really were to come to this earth and set up his kingdom, would there be room on this earth for a variety of religious systems? Would there be room on this earth for varieties and differences of opinion about what the will of God was? if God were to come to this earth and set up his kingdom here, would he allow other religions and other nations to co-exist simultaneously and go about doing their own thing?

It’s a yes or no question.

If God came to earth to set up his kingdom here, he would not allow – nor tolerate, nor permit – other kingdoms having sovereignty. If he did, he would not be God! The whole idea of God is that he rules over everything; that's what sovereignty means. And blasphemy would be defiance.

Take the United States, for example. Let’s suppose the people living in California just decided to form a nation and be sovereign in their own right, and do things their own way. Do you think the federal government of the United States would tolerate that? Do you think Texas could succeed from the Union and decide to have its own nation-state? The southern states tried it in 1861 and you know the result of that.

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