CDC director Walensky admits: 75% of COVID deaths were in unwell people with four co-morbidities

2 years ago

For almost two years the authorities gave the impression that SARS-CoV-2 (the supposed new virus that supposedly causes COVID) is a killer virus that affects everyone equally, regardless of age, weight and underlying illness. Except for measures of mass destruction ― such as lockdowns, social distancing, school closures, universal face masks, mass testing of healthy people (but not treating sick people), et cetera ― there was nothing we could do except mass vaccination.

Everyone who realized the obvious, namely that there is a very specific high risk group (especially old obese men with multiple severe underlying illnesses) and proposed focused protection, was viciously attacked. See the recent information about Fauci, Collins and others deciding to "take down" the "fringe" scientistist (who happen to be from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford) of The Great Barrington Declaration.

The experimental genetic jabs have by now proven to be a complete debacle (from a public health perspective, but definitely not from a profitability and depopulation perspective): they don't prevent infection and transmission, the little protection against severe disease they do provide lasts only for weeks and is negative in the first weeks after the jab, and they're are highly toxic.

Only once the one and only horse they've bet on turned out to be a total cripple, do the authorities and main stream media provide some perspective, such as that the statistics are misleading and that people who died WITH a positive test, not necessarily died BECAUSE OF COVID. In spite of it all, their motto remains the same: "Get vaxxed/boosted". It's nice and simple and consistent, AND completely wrong.

The motto should be, "If you're obese, get lean with a healthy diet, lifestyle and environment. If you have underlying illnesses such as diabetes 2, high blood pressure, cardiovascular conditions, reverse these using the same tools. Get your vitamin D blood levels up above 50 ng/ml, treat as early as possible when you get sick, etc. No one, not even the extremely high risk group, should get vaxxed, because the risks of the jab outweigh the benefits."


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