This Horn Power Will Speak Against The Most High And Oppress His Saints - Daniel Study (37 of 54)

3 years ago

Daniel 7 Continued Part 1 - Daniel Study

Daniel 7 is the first prophecy to have a time period in it. Daniel 7:25 says, He (the little horn power) will defy the Most High and oppress the holy people of the Most High. He will try to change their sacred festivals and laws, and they will be placed under his control for a time, times, and half a time.

In other words, the little horn power would set it up in a blasphemous way against God the Most High. The words time, times, and half a time, come from the Aramaic word which means turning. And the idea was that a year was based on 360 degrees, as in one complete circle. The Sun made one complete cycle in its travel around the earth. Back in those days, the earth stood still and the Sun traveled around us. Today, we know it's just the opposite, but that's how it was then and so the ancients called a time, a year.

For purposes of calculation, a year was 360 days much like a month or one moon is used for 30 days, even though a lunar month is actually 29.53 days long; the ancients just rounded it off to 30 and they rounded off a year as 360. So a time would be 360 days – 360 degrees – one complete turning of the Sun in its cycle around the earth.

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