URGENT: YT Blocks Scientist's Interview On Children Vaccination Drive In India. I Will Stand Up To Truth

2 years ago

YouTube has banned an interview of Dr. Amitav Banerje who is a top epidemiologist in India and Head of Community Health at Dr. D Y Patil Medical College, Pune.

Empire Diaries (Empirediaries.com) is an independent platform created by Ratna an independent journalist from India.

Ratna interviewed Dr Banerjee where he said, "This vaccine is going to do more harm than good to kids." To substantiate, he quoted studies, data and research.

He also said, "Children vaccination is unscientific and mass vaccination flout the principles of public health."

"In India there is no control group to study the side effects of vaccination on kids, anyone is going to rural areas to vaccinate. Government is doing public health quackery," says Dr. Banerjee.

Empire Diaries uploaded the interview and YT blocked it immediately citing "medical misinformation"

YT may block my work but I will stand up to fight continue to spread the message for public interest.

Here is a message from me as to what exactly happened.

Dr. Amitav Banejee is one of the top epidemiologists in India and head of Community Medicine in Pune. He says, "We are doing public quackery by mass vaccination of children, you don't know the short term and long term effects of it. How can you take chance with the kids, It is not a proven vaccine. It will do more harm than good as per data."

YouTube banned the interview. Here I upload it, please watch and share as much as possible.

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Since the Omicron variant arrived in India, there are a lot of speculations whether Indian Government should mandate vaccine like a few other countries. Though World Health Organization has already advised not to make vaccine mandatory, many states in India have already announced the segregation between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Like apartheid days in South Africa a few state governments like Karnataka, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Puduchery have already announced that unvaccinated will be scrapped from enjoying public places like malls, shopping complexes, pubs, restaurants etc. Unvaccinated people in Gurugram will not be able to enter in petrol pumps and many other public places.

Though scientists are repeatedly saying that Omicron variant of coronavirus is mild in nature as it spreads in a fast speed. AIIMS doctor Dr. Sanjay Rai too said that omicron is mild in nature and will do less harm as compared to Delta variant.

Thousands from European countries have been taking to streets to protest against this anti-people mandate. It surely reminds us of apartheid era in South Africa. Coronavirus has ensured the return of the dark ages.

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