3 years ago

Under the traffic light system there will be further serious restrictions on New Zealander’s freedom of movements.

Judicial, NZ Courts have declined cases that oppose the ‘No Jab-No Job’ that is included in the governments Vaccination Framework Order 2021.

Several New Zealand Citizens have applied to the Judicial opposing the No Jab-No Job’ referencing that this violates the New Zealand Bill Of Rights.
The New Zealand Government are making sure that employers need to be mindful of their obligations when it comes to mandated jabs. That they have an obligation to ensure that they and their employees comply with the COVID19 Vaccination Framework Order 2021.
That employers must not just sit back and wait for the employee’s to make the decision whether they will be vaccinated or not by the 17th January 2022.

New Zealanders are faced with a totalitarian government under Ardern’s leadership. They are cruel, insensitive as they demand people to be coerced, demanded of... into partaking in Human Clinical Trials- Human Experiments.

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