Ex-Bunny Tells Tales About The Playboy Club in the 60's: "I Grew Up Under Playboy, I Felt Accepted"

3 years ago

After the numerous attempts to throw more shade on the departed Hugh Hefner, an interview with one former bunny from the vaunted Playboy Club had glowing reviews of her time with Hef.

Jaki Nett, one of, if not the first Bunnies of Color, tells a story of being an aspiring actress from Mississippi, trying to make it big in Los Angeles in the 1960's, when she took the job to work at the club. Never did she feel unwanted or out of place, but only has the best things to say about her experiences. Such a refreshing change of pace for people to not have a revisionist take for short term gain.

The New York Post: https://nypost.com/2022/01/12/ex-playboy-bunny-i-had-to-gain-weight-to-get-hired/
Jaki's Yoga: https://www.iynv.com/jaki-2/

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#PlayboyClub #HughHefner #Playboy

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