Artist Ginette Painting Silver Fir Trees Landscape Watercolors and Ink

2 years ago

⁣I like to cook. So in 2021 in June of 2012 I had a stroke and that scared me because I was bed bound AT FIRST. I am such an independant active person. The idea that I would be bed ridden, and can't do the things I like to do was scary. I have totally recovered since. My speech is still different. But I can talk. This is a video I made before the stroke. These are the things that I love to do. Cooking, art, hiking, exercising, gardening, reading about history, medicinal plants, and sharing videos about those things. I hope you enjoy it. I'd love to see some comments and please subscribe. I am also on Rumble. These days you have to have a backup or two.

⁣If you like my videos please support me by buying art or prints of my art or make a donation. I appreciate it.

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