Sanctuary Services and Feasts - Temple of God (6/7)

2 years ago

Throughout this video series I have been trying to impress upon you that the whole of Revelation’s story is really centered on the revelation or revealing of all that Jesus is. If you were to look at the sanctuary you would notice that it is laid out in such a way that you could draw the cross of Calvary in the sanctuary; and the neat thing about it is the sinner still comes to the cross and stands at the foot of the cross just as they did in times of old. Everything points to Jesus. Everything is a revelation of Jesus.

Now having said that, let me ask you a question: when was the last time you heard a very earnest discussion about the war of 1812? Do you honestly know who fought in the war of 1812? Most Americans don't have a clue as to who fought in the war of 1812. Does it matter? Yes, it does matter because we are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past when we haven't learned the lessons from history. We’re still making the same mistakes; but my point is rather simple in that, the war of 1812 was only around 200 years ago, yet we never discuss it anymore, we never pay any attention to it anymore, we never give it much consideration anymore; and this leads me to the question: after we've been in heaven for 500 years or 1500 years or 5000 years, do you think that we're going to spend a lot of time discussing how the Great Tribulation played out? No, we will spend a lot of time discussing what Jesus has done, but what the actual historical events on earth were will be of minor importance. What will be of supreme importance is how Jesus made it possible for us to be there!

I remember back in 1974 a great scare was put on many people about the exchange of currency and how that your money was going to be snatched from you overnight, and it was going to be exchanged and the mark of the beast was going to be set up overnight, and great fear fell upon many groups of people. This is what I call a socio-political interpretation; and these interpretations are always based on fear, never Jesus. I believe the revelation of Jesus, the book, is the revelation of Jesus, the Son of God. Yes, there are some beasts, there are some horns, there are some heads; there's some persecution and there's some plagues, and there's some trumpets and there are some seals, but if you never get to see Jesus in the story, you've missed the whole point. Let me be a little bolder... if your understanding of Bible prophecy does not lead you into a soul winning experience, you've missed the whole point! The reason that God gives us the inside information of what he's about to do is so that we might cooperate with him for the saving of men and women, boys and girls; and if we are not focused on that objective, if we're not concerned with that ultimate pursuit, we've missed the whole point.

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