The 7 Seals Can’t Be Understood Without 1st Understanding The Book - Revelation Study (13 of 105)

2 years ago

Seven Seals Part 1 - Revelation Study

You've got to understand the role and importance of the book before the seven seals are going to make much sense. The story of the seven seals centers on the book that was written by the father and sealed up with seven seals so no one could see what he had written. What would you think of a person who gets excited about the rapping on a gift and ignores the content of the box? The parallel is identical.

We’ve got to understand the all-important significance of this book if we're going to appreciate what the seven seals actually are. And that's my prayer and my hope for this seminar segment: that I can begin to introduce to you what this book is all about, and how it is God's way to solve one of his biggest problems. At the end of the thousand years, the Bible tells us in Revelation 20, this book will be opened up and God will show everyone three things. You see, at the end of the thousand years: the Saints and the wicked will all be alive, Lucifer and his angels will all be present, and all the angels of the universe will be gathered to see what was written in this book.

God's going to demonstrate: first, that he has perfect foreknowledge—he knows everything from beginning to end; second, God is going to prove that he does not use his foreknowledge to influence or manipulate his subjects. God can be trusted with this incredible gift of omniscience to not use it in any way that would be harmful are manipulative to his subjects; and third, even though he foreknew the rise, the agony, and the price of sin, he did nothing to prevent it because a God of love freely grants his children the power of choice.

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