God Doesn’t Want One Church To Rule Mankind. The Dark Ages Show Why - Revelation Study (27 of 105)

2 years ago

Seven Seals Part 15 - Revelation Study

As Protestants began to read the Bible, various ideas about the teachings of Jesus came up because nineteenth century Protestants were a diverse group of people from many nations. In Europe and the United States, Protestantism fractured into several distinctive denominations after 1798 under the leadership of various godly people. This is what Jesus wanted. He does not want one church to rule over the thinking of mankind. He has demonstrated what happens when that occurs with the 1260 years of the dark ages.

The Holy Spirit was sent on a campaign to see that the Bible was translated and widely distributed, because there is no other authoritative source on the teachings of Jesus; and for 200 years the Bible has been progressing throughout the world, one book at a time. The Bible tells us what sin is and presents our true condition and position before God. And soon, a day will come when Bible truth will cause wicked men to slay God’s Saints; and this will all be done in conflict over the Bible. Jesus, knowing this in advance, told His disciples “See, I've told you before it happened so that you will not be caught by surprise”.

The ultimate deception is making people think that wrong is right and right is wrong! When the devil appears on earth, masquerading as God, billions of people will honor him and obey His evil commands. The Bible says, in Revelation 13:5, And Lucifer had power to give life into the image of the beast—the image is the same thing as the great prostitute, a one-world church-state—that he should cause the image to the beast to speak (make laws) and call as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. It’s coming! Get ready! It’s coming!

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