It’s Faith In Jesus That Overcomes The World & Will See Us Through - Revelation Study (75 of 105)

3 years ago

Four Beasts Part 9 - Revelation Study

In my Bible, the book of Revelation is only 17 pages long. Can you imagine how so much information is established and put together in just 17 pages? It’s incredible! Only God could have done something so marvelous! We’re continuing with our study on the composite beast and what it's all about and how it forms and where it comes from and how it has authority over the world; and how Satan enters the human glove, if you will, for the purpose of preying upon the saints and destroying them.

Remember, the composite beast is a means to his end; and his end is the destruction of the woman—that's what he intends to do. I want to read Revelation 13:9 and 10. I want you to carefully and thoughtfully consider the precious promise that is found here, because knowing what we know, our future, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we should not be afraid. We should not be intimidated. We should not be of in any panic about what is coming upon us. Jesus has promised to be with us, to give us whatever we need to sustain us, and to take away our fear so that we can be effective witnesses for him.

So put aside your fear and trepidation and let's look at what the Bible says because it's our faith that overcomes the world. It’s our faith in Jesus that will see us through to the end, whatever that end may be. In Revelation 13:9, Jesus says “He who has an ear, let him hear.” Now, you remember this expression was used toward the seven churches; it was a message for everyone in the seven churches. Jesus uses this kind of language because what he's really saying is, that whoever has a spiritual ear, let him listen to the spirit.

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