Dry Fire Pistol Drills IDS Pistol Craft Home Training System – Level 1

2 years ago

IDS Pistol Craft Home Training System – Level 1

A new way to train!

Have you been looking for an effective defensive pistol training system that you can do from home? With prioritized learning progressions based on need, probability, and complexity, the IDS Pistol Craft Training System is designed with you, the Citizen Defender, in mind so you can maximize and deepen your practice time anywhere. You’ll never look at training your defensive pistol craft the same way again.

Get it now and see for yourself: www.idscitizendefender.com

Runtime: 162+ Minutes

• Philosophy & Overview
• Marksmanship Skills
• Shot Timer Drills
• Primary Ready Position
• Marksmanship Drills
• Pro-Tips and Analysis
• Skill Building Drills
• Retention Shooting
• Distance Management
• Decision Making Drills
• Weapons Flow
• Partner Drills
• Concealed Draw Stroke
• Tactics & Maneuvers
• Splits & Frequency Drills

This Member Exclusive Course is just 1 of 15 courses (for all levels) that work together as a comprehensive system of training designed specifically with the Citizen Defender in mind.

Members have an immediate all-access pass to all courses and content. New Courses, Videos and Streaming Seminars will be frequently added to our already extensive collection so you can be ready if faced with a life-threatening critical incident.

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