Prayer of thanks for end of projects

3 years ago

A prayer for the end of project, and a new beginning
Three projects finished on December 31st 2021.

I posted a video for every day of the year from Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening. I’d begun the project in 2010 and posted the work on Youtube. But Youtube shadow banned me. So the work is now accessible to millions more people on Rumble. Also, I was given advice to show the references and words for the videos. I’ve done about six months of that.

I posted a video for every day of the year on Rumble of a reading from the Bible (NIV). I’d begun the project in 2010 and posted the work on Youtube. But Youtube shadow banned me. So the work is now accessible to millions more people. Halfway through the year I discovered Lumos and began sharing the videos with relevant pictures.

Neither of those projects are completely finished, but in the short term, with my impending homelessness and a new job, it may be a long while before I can finish them completely.

The third project is posting a year of daily video of my Bible Quote series. 365 Bible Quotes with their back grounds and meanings. It is meant as a discussion starter, not as a complete theological tome.

The project completion presages other changes.

For the first time in fifteen years, I have full time work. That, for me, is answered prayer.

I have to move to get the work. The place I move to, called Bairnsdale in Victoria is some of the most gorgeous land in Australia. A place tourists come to for bush walking and fishing.

The land is subject to bushfires and flooding, but if it were perfect, it would be unaffordable.

I give thanks to God for my future. I had not been sure I had such a bright one. At the end, family gave me an assist. My new employer is willing to take me on risk.

I had lost much. But, my heart is to serve God.

I think I came down with COVID Omicron on new years eve. And suddenly, even that is in my past. Thank you Jesus.

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