Strength & Courage Subliminal (Audio + Visual)

2 years ago

Strength & Courage Subliminal.

Text & Audio Affirmations:
I have abundant inner strength and courage.
I have the courage to keep going.
Great strength lies within me at all times.
I am calm and relaxed whenever life gets trying.
I am courageous in all things.
I am fearless.
I am strong, bold, and confident.
I boldly go in the direction of my dreams.
I exercise my courage every day.
I face all challenges head on.
I have the courage to overcome anything.
I honor the courage within me.
I have limitless courage.
Today I face everything with great courage.
I seize all opportunities with bold determination.
I possess great inner courage.
I live my life with confidence and courage.
I know that courage comes from doing.
My courage grows as I press on.
My courage grows daily as I do new things.
The courage I need to change my life is already within me.
I calmly face any challenge that confronts me.
I breathe in pure joy and optimism.
I am willing and ready to take risks.
I take swift, decisive action.
I am a brave and valiant warrior.
I face all obstacles with great courage and tenacity.
I have the courage to make positive changes in my life.
I have the courage to speak up for myself.
I trust in my ability to face all of life’s challenges.
Every day I live with boundless bravery.
I have immense physical and mental strength.
I am extremely powerful.
I am highly motivated.
My body and mind are strong and healthy.

Watch in HD. Headphones/Earphones are optional. Use this subliminal video often to increase strength and courage. Watch and listen for best results. You can still get results from just watching or just listening if that's more convenient for you. This subliminal video has both audio and visual affirmations. Set to a comfortable volume. Use at least once a day until no longer needed. There are no binaural beats or frequencies in this video.

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