The Transforming Power of the Gospel--2 Peter 3:1-9 "Preparing for Scoffers"

2 years ago

We’ve had a long break from 2 Peter, but today we are resuming our study and beginning to look at the last chapter in Peter’s letter. Peter wrote two letters, and he probably was executed shortly after this letter was sent out. These are the last words this church father had for Christians facing trials.
In today’s passage, Peter warns us of coming scoffers—mockers unwilling to seriously contemplate the truth of Scripture.
Christians have always had to deal with scoffers. Many of our beliefs defy naturalistic explanation. Living in the 20th-21st Centuries, we know the Bible teaches many things the scientific community completely rejects—special creation, the worldwide flood, the physical resurrection of Jesus, coming judgment, just to name a few.
We can choose to jettison doctrine to fit in (as many American churches have), or we can stand confidently on the truth of God’s Word.
Remember, God never asks you for blind faith, He gives us sufficient reason to trust Him. We simply need to be willing to search the Scriptures.
As we unpack our passage today, we will see what scoffers assume, what they ignore, and finally, why there is still hope.

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