2 years ago

"Today of course we're going to finish part 4 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, on Prayer. Now the fact that the section on prayer is the smallest section in the Catechism and it comes last in the Catechism, it doesn't mean it's the least important. As a matter of fact, it's the most important.. without prayer, you can do nothing, without prayer, we really can't have faith, without prayer, we certainly can't celebrate the Paschal Mystery, without prayer, we can't live the life of Christ and those are the first three sections of the Catechism that I mentioned. So, prayer is really a relationship, prayer isn't just saying some words, prayer is a real personal, intimate relationship, with the Lord Jesus Christ, who draws us into Himself, and through the power of the Holy Spirit making us one with Jesus, we gain entrance into the Father, into the Father's presence, the Father's own life and so prayer really is an entrance into the life and mission of Jesus Christ, which brings us in the life of the Most Holy Trinity. The Catechism tells us about the Wellspring of Prayer, the Holy Spirit is the living water, welling up to eternal life, and this wellspring bubbles up in the heart of the person who prays."

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