Change IS HERE - Fear (Reverence) the LORD & Esteem HIS Name

2 years ago

Part II - Change IS HERE - Blessed IS He (She) Who..'Fear the LORD and Who Esteem HIS Name.." (Malachi Ch.3)

It's one thing to say we 'know' God, but, the true test of 'Knowing GOD" is to "Fear" HIM (have highest regard, reverence & be in holy awe of HIM)..and to "Esteem" HIS name above all others. Too many who 'claim' to know God don't 'fear' Him and most do not even 'esteem' or revere His name above all else.

When you have such high regard for God in Jesus Christ, you begin to realize that He is more relevant and more real and necessary in your life than even the air we breathe. Fearing GOD as HE puts forth in HIS Word, is the staple of our LOVE for HIM!

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