🐇Kenneth Brinkman Interrogation - To Catch A Predator

2 years ago

#KennethBrinkman #TCAP #TrueCrime #Interrogation

Kenneth was a 43 year old manager of the audit department of Speedway, a gas station chain, when he began chatting with a boy he believed to be fourteen years old named "Rockie". Ken spends the chat doing risk assessment and checking to see what the boy likes and is into without directly saying what he wanted to do with him, asking general questions about what he liked to do sexually and about his physical development. They decide to meet during a time Rockie's parents would be in Las Vegas, leaving him alone and Ken does strongly hint at sexual contact when he says "sneak out for a bj" after finding out the lengths Rockie would go to in order to keep their conversation going as well as saying in a roundabout way that he has an erection while thinking about their meet. Ken and Rockie make a date to meet at the trap house late in the evening and drives 45 miles.[1]

Before coming in, Ken drives around the house several times before working up the courage to come in. Del Harvey, as the on-site decoy invites him to sit at the bar, which sets him up for a confrontation with Chris Hansen. Kenneth doesn't deny anything that was said but his defense was that the sex talk wasn't anything they were talking about doing with each other and they were "normal chat things". Ken says that he was scared to come because of what is happening now and it was his first time coming to meet an underage boy. He says he is embarrassed and just wants to go home...and this is before he is told by Chris that he has just been exposed as part of a Dateline investigation. Ken becomes even more distraught, saying that his exposure is even worse that being arrested, so when he finally was arrested when he walked out of the house, it wasn't the worst thing that happened to him that night.

During his questioning at the police station, the investigator's tone and body language makes it immediately known that he doesn't like Ken and isn't in the mood for any BS. As Ken tries to tell his side of the story, mostly saying "Y'know..." and minimizing the sex talk, the investigator cuts him off repeatedly after hearing him trying to bend the truth by yelling back to him excerpts of his chat with Rockie. Ken continues to try not to own up to what was said or blame Rockie for the direction of the chat, but gets backed into a figurative corner when confronted with the "sneak out for a bj" line. The investigator tersely reminds him that it's his job as an investigator to read the people he's investigating, he doesn't believe what Ken is telling him, his chat is similar to a lot of the sexually explicit chat between adults and children he has seen, and that he's the ninth person caught that night for the same charge. After explaining that he'll be in jail all weekend until a judge can set his bond, the investigators leave him to his fate.[2]

Brinkman ended up getting eight months in jail, a $1500 fine, and sex offender registration for ten years.[3] Kenneth is now no longer a Registered Sex Offender.

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