Russian hacker accesses vaccinated bio data in real time

3 years ago

Not to sure what to make of this...
I’ve seen videos of tech people stating some concerns on integrity nonetheless very interesting regardless, decide for yourself.

Apologies for the video quality.
Check links below

Moderna’s CEO described mRNA, as “an information molecule”, in regard to the coronavirus vaccine. Moderna had even trademarked the name “mRNA OS” – meaning ‘operating system’.

Microsoft Research has already created software whose algorithm seeks to predict human behavior as part of its DNA strand displacement project.

“We’ve developed a language for programming molecular circuits made of DNA, so the programmer would write down a collection of DNA strands and the software will work out how these DNA strands interact with each other and can be used to predict their behavior over time.”
“Ultimately it could allow us to make biological computers that operate at the molecular scale.”
Microsoft has been working on programming DNA circuits since 2009. Now, with co-founder Bill Gates at the heart of both the information stream and the global mRNA vaccine rollout amid COVID-19, it provides him and his company the opportunity to now bring this merge between technology and medicine to the fore.


Microsoft, 2016: “We can program complex behaviors using DNA”. 3-strand DNA confirmed

“Molecular devices made of nucleic acids show great potential for applications ranging from bio-sensing to intelligent nanomedicine. They allow computation to be performed at the molecular scale, while also interfacing directly with the molecular components of living systems. They form structures that are stable inside cells, and their interactions can be precisely controlled by modifying their nucleotide sequences. However, designing correct and robust nucleic acid devices is a major challenge, due to high system complexity and the potential for unwanted interference between molecules in the system. To help address these challenges we have developed the DNA Strand Displacement (DSD) tool, a programming language for designing and simulating computational devices made of DNA. The language uses DNA strand displacement as the main computational mechanism, which allows devices to be designed solely in terms of nucleic acids. DSD is a first step towards the development of design and analysis tools for DNA strand displacement, and complements the emergence of novel implementation strategies for DNA computing.”

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