No idea (part 8): McDonald's gym & How much are your freedoms worth?

2 years ago

1. 為了一時方便,所付出的代價?what’s the cost for small convenience

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
0:50 麥當勞的新健身房 Macdonald’s new gym
5:04 紐西蘭的諷刺廣告板 Satire billboard in New Zealand
10:55 自由被奪走後,很難拿回來 It’s hard to get freedom back, after someone taking it.
11:55 例:中國的數字貨幣 China’s digital currency
18:30 Chr0me 記憶密碼功能好嗎 chr0me password manager is good ?
19:50 備而不用的現金 having cash ready just in case
21:31 什麼都外包, 教育也不例外 outsourcing everything, even education

#Taiwan #No_Idea #Podcast #沒想法

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