🔥 Sodom & Gomorrah Modern Day 🌈 Flag Mocking of God by LGBTQ, Gods Wrath Coming soon?! Documentary

2 years ago

🏳️‍🌈 ✝️ My Documentary is not intended to discriminate, Hate, or incite harm on anybody. Like i said before I'm informing & Exposing things you may have never known. So keep your ignorant insulting bs to yourself..
We will dive deeper into expanding your spiritual thinking perception. How Evil forces are using LGBTQ to Mock God & help establish the NWO the father of Lies desires. Understanding what many people ignore or simply refuse to see. Perverting the youth, corrupting the foundations of God's Nation for appeasement in some cases.

Manipulation of words like "Love" to masquerade that a Sin is ok to everyone & should be accepted like it or not. Evil is using LGBTQ to destroy Christianity & God in many western nations & cities.

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