Is Vaush Unironically Evil...Or Just a Midwit?

3 years ago

Is Vaush really unironically as evil as Doomerpolitics says? Or is Vaush just a Psuedo-intellectual Midwit who isn't as wise as he would want us to believe?

This is a response to Doomerpolitics semi-documentary video that is quite possibly the most extensive refutation of a breadtubers positions that the internets has ever seen.

It's fairly well done and can be viewed on his Channel here:

In my response, I am exploring the less-direct but still highly critical position of Vaush via the concept of Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." Vaush's morals are questionable. But are they as questionable as his reasoning skills?

00:00 Intro
01:31 Explanation of the Midwit meme
03:00 Vaush's midwitisms
06:55 Ethics
12:00 Conclusion

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Background Music: 'Neon' [Synthwave]
Artist:- Scott Buckley
License: Creative Commons

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