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CDC Whistleblower NUKES! Plus, Plans to ARREST the UnVaxxed, Elderly Discarded for "Health"

2 years ago

The Stew Peters Show (January 10, 2022)

Under the latest state health order in California, just to visit a nursing home, a guest must be fully vaccinated and fully boosted, and they must produce a negative Covid test on top of that. Fran Austin is an elderly Christian woman currently trapped in an outpatient facility in California. She’s basically been abandoned by her family; nobody visited on Christmas, and nobody called. Michael Jackson is an RN in California who has taken an interest in Fran’s case. He joins us

Team Enigma is back at it again with more information bombs about the bioweapon clot-shot. Dr. Jane Ruby joins us to discuss this new development.

Our state governments have become demented. Precisely because the vaccines aren’t working well, they can’t think of anything to do except more shots, more jabs, more more more. Inject toddlers. Inject infants. Inject pets. Get boosted every month, every week. Pastor Cummings is a church leader in Washington State. He recently had an online post go viral warning about new measures in Washington that would allow the state to detain people against their will in the name of “fighting covid” of course. Pastor Cummings says that the negative attention from his post forced the state to back off. Pastor Cummins joins us.

It doesn’t get as much attention as New York or California, but Hawaii may be the state that has been most tyrannical in the face of Covid-19. Levana Lomma is one of the local Hawaiians fighting back against this. All the way back in spring of 2020 she founded For Our Rights dot org to defend basic liberties that the coronavirus pandemic is being used to stamp out: The right to speak freely, the right to go about unmasked, the right to refuse a vaccine. She joins us.

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