World War 3Z - We are under EMP Attack

2 years ago

!&!&!&!&! AND THIS is how they told you what they were going to do ..
MUSK now talking about giving out free phones AND sim cards.. LIKE IN THIS MOVIE...
A brain chip Neurolink - injecting Nano-bots in you to go fix the problem the brain chip finds... like in movies..
A "safe and effective" and it PROTECTS you ... in THIS movie...
A Frequency is hijacked ( OF COURSE !!! by the "good Guys" ) and then THIS happens... hhhmmm

#### RESIST THE CHIP !!!! Channel 9 news -

#TrustTheScience or #ResistTheChip.... the Choice is YOURS !!! and YOURS alone !!!

If you get the Clot Shot and the Nano-Bots & the Graphene Oxide in you from an "EXPERIMENTAL " Kill Shot.. What did you expect.

***** PLANDEMIC Video Playlist ***************
The first clip in this video you can see the CAMERA get zapped just as this guy drops.
You get the Clot Shot - you are now a patented product - you are linked to the Matrix through the 5G network. You have just received the Mark Of The Beast - You will need the CHIP in your arm to buy - sell and go to the shops.
You need to DITCH THE PHONE - I know it's going to be hard.. Hard Wired Desktop computers / laptops only.. plugged in to modem / router ONLY.... NO WIRELESS !!! are you fry !!!! Wi-Fry more like it.

Your phones are sending out a signal like in The Second Kingsmen MOVIE - They all got sent a free sim card and given free wifi worldwide. They put up " 5G" towers everywhere and facial recognition cameras & then they gave a CHIP in the neck to the elite.
The good guys come in and save the day and switch the signal .. and everyone with the Vaccine... sorry.. Chip in their neck... their heads exploded- Popped right off with pretty coloured paint and nice music.
Well the VAXXED now have the chip. They CAN send you a signal. You will explode - probably from a "RARE" Heart Attack.
but this is NOT that movie.. same scene different roles.. the SHEEPLE are being injected with experimental DNA changing nano technology willingly... thats the scary part.. willingly... Not even their DRs know what's in it...
Does this look like INFORMED CONSENT ?

KIDS DONT HAVE HEART ATTACKS.. Watch the nonsense the lame stream media pushes out soon about ' kids can have heart attacks too'
NO... NO they dont !!!
Still births and Mis-carriages through the roof.
Most hospital visits right now. !!! VAX clot shot kill shot.. side effects --- NOT the un-vaxxed.
THE GREAT RESIST has begun... make sure you grab a FREE rumble channel yourself.. ditch utube and post the TRUTH right here on Rumble.
and get yourself a CRYPTO WALLET real quick before they shut down the money system very soon.. #DitchTheDollar & #EndTheFed has begun. I recommend the CRO app below.. cash out with e-gift cards with barcode to all your favourite stores worldwide.. petrol for the car - food - alcohol - flights - uber - amazon etc etc and ALSO
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