I suppose the Union of the two ball-type craft we've talked about would require a joystick

3 years ago

I couldn't just have one episode about balls, could I? That'd be asymmetric, and we wouldn't want that. Or I understand squishies don't want that. Or something. I dunno. It's not something I have to worry about.

Anywise, balls. And, in fact, balls having little things inside of them. Make up your own jokes, because I'm honestly too tired.

Yeah, I was still playing around with audio in this episode. It'll go away next episode, and probably be finalized by the one after that.

Also, the episode after this one is my one-year anniversary of rambling on for your entertainment. I would say, "Enjoy it," but you won't. So whatever.

Also, http://www.sacredcowshipyards.com now exists. All it does is redirect to the YouTube channel, but maybe that's easier for your wormy little fingers to type? Dunno.

0:00 Intro
0:05 Rambling
1:14 On with the show

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