Tyrone welcomes you to the Sacred Cow Shipyards

3 years ago

WELCOME to Sacred Cow Shipyards, where... well, just listen to the Big man. He knows what's up. https://youtu.be/ZACKWTJWMZM

I have to admit, this might be the hardest I've laughed at anything ever done by one of you humies, and y'all do some high-larious stuff from time to time. @Big Man Tyrone brings a certain je ne sais quois to his amazing performances, and I am here for all of it.

Anywise, if that awesome intro sounds up your alley, we've got a whole pile of videos that might be almost as entertaining as the intro was.

Tyrone's channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BigManTyrone
Hire him here, it's worth it: https://bigtyrone.com/order-a-tyrone-video/

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