The Goodness of God

2 years ago

The Goodness of God

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Romans 1:16-17, Exodus 34:5-8

Here we have God’s description of Himself. These verses are the first place where God Himself describes what He is like.

This is one of the most quoted and reused passage of Scripture within Scripture.

That tells me that the writers of the Bible considered this verse VERY significant.

Context: God has just freed them from their oppression in Egypt. He split open the Red Sea and is leading them with a cloud by day, and a fiery pillar by night, through the wilderness to the Promised Land. He appears before them in a great cloud and with fire at Mount Sinai, and then calls Moses up to speak with Him. While Moses is up on the mountain, the people grow impatient and make a golden calf to worship, saying it was this god who led them out of Egypt.
What a MAJOR slap in the face to God!

God is angered by them and contemplates wiping them out and starting over. At this, Moses intercedes for the people, reminding God of His covenant.
It is in response to the sin of the people and to the intercession of Moses that God reveals His name.

God says: “Yahweh, Yahweh, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth…” Ex 34:6 NAS

This is God’s answer to Israel’s sin. He reveals who He is.
He will continue to show compassion and grace to His people. He will continue to be patient with them (slow to anger).

This is an incredibly gracious response to an incredibly deep betrayal.

You are God’s answer for our community!

He picked you, and wrote His name on you and chooses you to represent, to
re-present Him to the community around us.

Based on our actions, and how we live on a daily basis, what do they know about God? Who do you intercede for?

Ver.17 PT “This gospel unveils a continual revelation of God’s righteousness – a perfect righteousness given to us when we believe. And it moves us from receiving life through faith, to the power of living by faith. …”

Rom.2:4c “…the goodness of God leads you to repentance.”

God wants to reveal His name – Who He is through us to the people around us.
We NEED the power of the Holy Spirit to live, to minister, to be the answer God wants me to be for my sphere of influence.

I truly believe if we understood the importance of having the fullness of the Holy Spirit living in us we wouldn’t be passive about seeking Him more.

Seek the Holy Spirit – ask for His gifts, but SEEK HIM! You will find Him when…
Jer.29: 13 “… when you search for Me with all your heart. Ver. 14. I will be found by you, says the LORD Jer.29:11-14a

I invite us to get to know Him all over again.
If you have experienced receiving the Holy Spirit, then get aggressive in having more.
If you haven’t experienced what the book of Acts explains about receiving the Holy Spirit, then SEEK HIM! (Rom.19:1-6)

Prayer: God once again, give us revelation of Your righteousness - Of Your Goodness.
Fill us with your Holy Spirit.
Give us power to live by faith.
Revive a HUNGER for Your presence.

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