W-H-O Knows About UNAgenda 2030 Black Market Babies

2 years ago

W-H-O Knows UN Agenda 2030
Possibly the saddest Hawaii 5-0 scene The Good Doctor Promised Her
This scene is so tense and emotional. The episode (S1EP19 Once Upon A Time) basically in a nutshell is about how McGarretts sister, Mary's baby has cancer. McGarrett journeys to Los Angeles where he takes on Dr. C.L. Fremont, a "blood-sucking" quack "naturologist" ("one who heals by helping nature") who is treating his cancer-stricken nephew. McGarrett comes under attack from his sister, Mary Ann Whalen who thinks that Fremont is beyond criticism. McGarrett tells his sister that Fremont "couldn't cure a ham." This scene takes place after McGarrett gets the call that his nephew has died. It's really depressing.
I don’t get paid for this. I am not on the sunshine list. And I am not sponsored by Pfizer.
I am a Shiksa who has been denied proper health care and poisoned by a vaccine before this Plandemic even occurred. I have connected the dots and those who played a part and got paid to poison many of us knowly. Yes knowingly. Bragging how they get $5,000.00 a jab and that was 20 years ago. And they killed my mother back in the 80's with a vaccine.
A 33rd Degree Free Mason Andrew Skene is a Board Member of my local hospital as well as a Shriner. I never fit in with this crowd. Secret Societies of Free Masons, Shriners, Eastern Star Members and many more cults in my hometown. I'm so embarrassed by the video these doctors and nurses have put out while I have been trying to expose the Chemtrails, suffering from VAERS and this is a very dangerous game we are playing here now.
"All You Zombies" and "Where Have All The Children Gone" by The Hooters

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