WARNING!!! Their Agenda Now Is To Control Our Food Supply Globally!

2 years ago

God created plants, herbs, tree's, and foods to heal us better than medcine ever could.

God created nutrition in all these clean, natural, raw foods.

Using the proper foods or combinations can heal us from most anything.

Now the globalists plan to take them all away from us.

The same as they banned the few simple drugs that heal us in 24 hors from Covid -

Then put us on the killer drugs that shut down our organs and make our lung fill with fluid -

Then they call it pneumonia, slap a vent on which kills people 95% of the time; and they know it! They know 100% this will kill the patients!

They also know that Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Budesonide will completely cure patients overnight!

Even though these drugs heal and save lives, and have been FDA approved for 40-70 years; they banned and even have pharmacists playing Nazi, questioning doctors when they prescribe for their patients. The pharmacists will not allow the doctors to presribe them; it's criminal!!

Now they are destroying farmers crops all across America! Keeping us from buying seeds to grown our own healthy food while gentically altering all our foods so they're no loonger heathy!

This is beyond communism at record speed around the world! They want 100% control of everything we do, eat, drink, think, act, and feel.

If you think this sounds far-fetched start researching it for yourself:
The GLOBAL 2000 Depopulation Program
The Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy
Agenda 21 (don't be fooled by their wording for all agendas)
Agenda 2030

Please get involved, start speaking up, resist everything you disagree with.

They are quickly running over us stripping away our rights and freedoms- we cannot allow them to continue!

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God prevails!


Healthy Foods, Raw Food, Healing Herbs, Nutrition, Nutrients,

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