Simple Truths Of Life | Inspirational Video About Life - 33 Simple Truths Of Life, Part 2

2 years ago

⚡ 33 simple truths of life is the second video of a series of three about the 100 simple truths of life. You can find all the "simple truths of life" of this inspirational video below. If you are like us and care about manifestation, this will interest you:

✅ These are another (#2) 33 Simple Truths Of Life:
34. Every 'no' improves your ability to fulfil on a future yes.
35. The gap between where you are and where you want to be is closer than you think.
36. Your ideas are worth nothing without the will to act on them.
37. Be interesting to others by being interested in them.
38. Every single person you meet knows something you don’t.
39. Speak when you have something to say, not when you want to say something.
40. Mediocrity is the path of least resistance, also making it the most competitive.
41. Being busy is not a badge of honour - it's a lack of freedom.
42. Your thoughts and feelings are choices. Control them or they'll control you.
43. You don't lack motivation, you lack a better reason.

✅ You'll be needing one of these from now on:
369 Manifesting Journal
369 Manifesting Journal: A 93 Day Guided Workbook

44. Time is your most valuable resource, spend it wisely.
45. Admit when you’re wrong, show humility when you’re right.
46. Your brain doesn’t fill up with more information, it expands along with it.
47. If it takes less than 5 minutes, don’t schedule it, do it now.
48. Your biggest competitor in life is yourself.
49. Life only gives you what you decided you could have.
50. The internet removes the barrier from how much you can learn about anything.
51. Ignore the noise, people will criticize you no matter what you do.
52. Avoiding stupidity can often be a better strategy than seeking out brilliance.
53. If you have time to consume, you have time to create.

✅ Inspirational books:
--- "The Secret" (5 Books - Kindle Edition: 👉 )
— "The Power of Positive Thinking,": 👉 #ad
--- "The Science of Getting Rich": 👉 #ad
--- "Think and Grow Rich": 👉 #ad

54. There’s no right or wrong time, there’s just time and what you choose to do with it.
55. You can steal all the ideas you want, but action can only come from within.
56. Get comfortable with changing your mind after learning new information.
57. Food fuels your brain, information fuels your mind. You are what you consume.
58. Read to find new ideas, write to understand them, implement to learn from them.
59. Your current habits are a sneak peek of your desired future.
60. The best teachers are your previous mistakes.
61. Working hard doesn’t get you anywhere if you’re working on the wrong thing.
62. Being alone is physical, feeling alone is mental.
63. Silence is a blank canvas for your thoughts.
64. If it doesn't feel like work, no one can compete with you.
65. Compare upwards and feel envy, compare downwards and feel grateful.
66. You are not what you say or think, you are what you do.

✅ This is the 369 Manifestation Code:

Huge credit to Traf:

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