Maria Bartiromo Blasts COVID Treatments, 3759

3 years ago
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Good Sunday evening to you. I’m still reporting on COVID deception.

You may have noticed that it seems like I really don’t want to report on anything but the hoax qualities of the COVID deception. Well, there is an imperative here. If I can save one life directly by putting up this information, that’s the best thing I can do with these reports. But, in this case, the possibility exists that this one report could still save thousands of lives, so yeah, that’s what motivates me.

This morning, Maria Bartiromo really walloped the COVID hoaxsters with an interview with Dr. Corey and Senator Ron Johnson. That interview bumped a much longer piece I had been working on since 5am down the priority list a notch because Maria’s info is more concise and though not as thorough, it’s probably more impactful to a certain kind of audience I might have access to - those people still trembling on the edge of getting the vax, or like friends of ours who just got COVID for the first time, despite having been vaxed to the max. Now, they suddenly don’t know exactly who to believe – Beth & I, or CNN.

Maria’s two segments begin with some clips of former HUD Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson on how to effectively deal with COVID.

Go, Sen. Johnson. This is a guy who has led the way in the United States Senate trying to expose these guys and as a result, big tech had the audacity to de-platform him. It’s like they are pulling out all the stops of dishonest behavior, and all I can surmise is that they are hoping that their mail-in ballot scam will carry them through next November’s elections, because if it doesn’t, the political experts now believe that the Republicans will win at least 30 seats from the Democrats in the House of Representatives and hold the Senate as well, and then there is going to be hell to pay. So, the minions of satan know that they only have one path out of this mess of conspiracy and corruption to keep all of them out of jail, and that’s to somehow lockdown the country with some distraction so they can get away with another fraudulent election.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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