Transformed to Receive Goodness - Be Transformed Part 3

2 years ago

God’s greatness is that He is the Almighty, Sovereign Creator, Master, and Sustainer of the entire universe. In comparison to God’s greatness, we are small and insignificant – a fact that we need to grasp to have a proper view of God and give Him His due glory. However, along with being great, God is also good. His goodness is manifested in His care, concern, protection, grace, and mercy towards His children. When you really think about it, it is mind blowing that considering God’s greatness, He is personally involved in every minute of His children’s lives, and He is good to us all. So, while we may be insignificant in comparison to God, we aren’t worthless. Not in God’s eyes anyway. And that is a Truth that when really understood brings about transformation.

Join us in this episode as we delve into the goodness of God by looking deeply into Psalm 23. May the amazing truths contained in David's words truly transform us!

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