Croatian President Zoran Milanović: "The docility of people, it's hard to believe sometimes"

2 years ago

Post date: October 24th, 2021

Croatian President Zoran Milanović on face masks: If people believe the jab protects them and stops transmission, why are they wearing masks? (And if they don't believe that the jab is effective, why do they want others to get jabbed and even mandate it?)

"The docility of people, it's hard to believe sometimes. And the obedience even at times when one maybe shouldn't be fully obedient." Finally a leader who says what so many are thinking. (It's not just the docility and obedience, but also the stupidity and gullibility that's hard to believe, especially after almost 2 years of this clown show.)

All the mandates which were enacted in 2020 in Croatia without a two-third super majority in parliament, are unconstitutional according to Milanović.

NB: The same happened in other countries, including where I live (The Netherlands). The 'leaders' have had emergency powers since March of 2020, even though there is no real emergency. The vast majority of parliament don't fulfill their critical role at all. They 'debate', but only for show and only on minor subjects. Both the leaders and most of parliament members bow down fully to the 'experts' of the Outbreak Management Team. If these 'experts' claim that Santa Claus exists and that 2 + 2 equals 5, then everybody will accept that. They are, in the end, the experts, so we should trust them.

Milanović also says that the mandates have infringed on fundamental freedom without a justified cause. (A severe flu virus is not sufficient for these far-reaching infringements.)


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