Apostle Paul did not Rapture to Heaven

2 years ago

All Scripture is God’s word from His mouth. every bit of scripture is important and everything about the scripture is important. There are no unimportant parts of the Bible.

There are no unimportant Verses, not even a single punctuation that is unimportant or meaningless or irrelevant. Second Corinthians chapter 12 shows the possible telling us about another person who remains Anonymous, who had a supernatural experience to be caught up to the third heaven where God is.

So many people, Even leaders in the church, falsely and erroneously teach that the apostle Paul is boasting about his own personal experience, but this is not true. In fact the apostle Paul explicitly says the contrary in the passage.

The apostle Paul says he does not want to boast but is willing to boast about other people but not about himself.

If we let the passage talk to us instead of trying to repeat what others have said and force our own opinion onto it, if we let God just talk to us through scripture, we see that the apostle Paul is speaking to the Corinthians about another guy that he knows who remains anonymous who had supernatural experience to go to heaven before he died and then come back.

Scripturally, this is not the apostle Paul. This person who went up to Heaven for a visit is someone else, and the apostle Paul in the passage explicitly says that it’s someone other than himself.

He says that he will gladly boast about that guy but not about himself. You would never Make a sentence like about yourself Because you would be distinguishing between yourself and …. yourself and there’s no difference there. The apostle Paul is most likely not making internal differentiation between internal personalitiesThe apostle Paul is talking about a completely different person and that’s why he can praise that man’s (Anon’s) experiences but personally only boasts about his own (Pauline) weaknesses.

I think this is significant for one thing, because the apostle Paul said he was uncertain whether that man went to heaven in the flesh or out of the flesh as an outer body experience. If it was Paul’s experience why would he be so uncertain?

If you take the false and erroneous version of the teaching, that would mean there’s no way to know if you’re in heaven for real, if you’re there in the body or out of the body. But the truth is that likely you will know. The reason why the apostle Paul doesn’t know it’s because he’s telling us about someone else’s experience. The Bible is not making a statement against your personal ability to perceive your own experiences between you and God.

If you take the false teaching that is not true, that’s what you’d have to assume. That is what is implied, uncertainty about your own spiritual encounters with The Lord. If you assume and require that is has to be Paul no matter what, then that’s what the application Leads to and alludes to.

But the reality is that the Bible makes no statement about that or rather a positive statement. Namely, the apostle Paul doesn’t know because it wasn’t his experience… you’d have to ask that other guy.

It is likely that man does know If he was there in the body or not but Paul just had an encounter with this guy, he interacted with him at some point and started to have a conversation, and the man didn’t tell him everything that was pertinent. Paul had more questions later but he wasn’t able to find the man again.

Paul said that He knew or met this man 15 years ago or more BEFORE He wrote the book of 2 Corinthians. It was probably a fleeting encounter where he spoke with this man, or it may be that the man moved or died in the span of those 15 years. It was likely just a conversation, or a friend who didn’t tell every single detail while he knew Paul. Probably the man did not tell Paul absolutely everything about his experiences and just mentioned the most important parts Which came to mind, before they went their separate ways. Paul likely had more questions later on and was unable to ask. The man obviously knew a lot more than he said, the apostle Paul said so. The possible said that he knew a lot more from what he experienced in heaven, but that the man was forbidden to talk about it. This implies that the man likely could have or would have or did know or may have know. whether he was in the body or out of the body visiting heaven, as clearly Elijah did! Why did the man just didn’t get around to telling Paul, or else for some other reason including that he might’ve been for bidden, he didn’t tell Paul

Saint Paul said that this man had more to say, but he wouldn’t say it (to Paul) because he was forbidden by God to reveal the secrets which he saw.

In all cases in this passage of second Corinthians 12, one through six, The apostle Paul very clearly differentiates between himself and this other guy who remains unnamed.

If you really believe, and insist, that this must be the apostle Paul, then you would also have to suspect that the apostle Paul has different internal personalities and that he’s talking about them! Because Paul is clearly differentiating between himself and this other person who visited Heaven.

Paul even considers himself to be of low esteem and does not want to boast about himself, but there’s this other person he says is to be of high esteem and Paul wants to boast about that one. Does Paul have different opinions of how he should treat himself compared to himself? That is too crazy. No.

If you really insist that this must definitely be the apostle Paul who went to Beaven, then you have to start either except and crazy things were deliberately trying to ignore and forget the crazy things just pretend that they aren’t there. That’s a deceptive mindset, it’s much easier just to be truthful and say no the apostle Paul’s talking about some other guy.

The apostle Paul says that he won’t boast about himself or praise himself, but he will praise and boast about this other guy, so If you or anyone else insists that the apostle Paul went to heaven before he died, then why is he having different views inside himself?

The answer is that he is not. He’s talking about a completely different individual whose name we don’t know.

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