Evidence Of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry In The Pfizer Vaccine by Greg Reese

2 years ago

Evidence Of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry In The Pfizer Vaccine by Greg Reese

This debunks any safe vaccine that was created by Trump

BIOWEAPON, not a vaccine

Trump Executive Order

Allowed Nano Particles + Mrna in vaccines - Self assembling

So you have the whole thing…
Look at page 4. 
Executive Orders have implementation language that is directly stated to Congress on December 4, 2019 (prior to any outbreak) setting forth the implementation of the order.
From his Executive Order directive:
(C) further support the conduct, in collaboration with the DOD, BARDA, and CDC, of applied scientific research regarding developing cell lines and expression systems that markedly increase the yield of cell-based and recombinant influenza vaccine manufacturing processes
(this is a defined term set forth in the reference above (page 4).

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