Six More Freemasonic Grand Lodges Set On Fire. Two In The Past Two Weeks. (Part 2: 2021-2022)

3 years ago

Six More Freemasonic Grand Lodges Set On Fire. Two In The Past Two Weeks. (2021-2022)

If you missed part 1 - Freemasonic Halls And Lodges Around The World Are Burning Down:

I apologise in advance - there were a few I left out from 2021. I simply didn't have the time to pull the videos and photos and edit them in.

There have been nearly 20 Freemasonic Halls and Lodges that have been set on fire in the past 4 years alone. Some you have to know locals to even know it happened.

In the past 12-18 months alone: Dublin, Vancouver, New Zealand, Australia, Columbus, South Africa, have all seen Freemasonic buildings set alight. I'm waiting for the media to start the propaganda machine and make the Freemasons out to be the next oppressed peoples. Either way, it'll simply be just another distraction.

As time progresses, more and more of these lodges and halls are burning down. I plan on keeping you all updated as they do.

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