GTA Modder's - JustCaide & Sunflares - 09/01/22

2 years ago

Players: JustCaide & Sunflares
Region: Oceanic
Exploits: Car pull, Instant car death, Mega Car Flip, Auto Aim Script, Player Attribute manipulation script.

Additional Players: GoogleNoodle

Here we have Some really scum. I noticed something was wrong with these two out in the desert, When out of no where JustCaide teleported onto me in a truck. These players chased and killed me all the way down to my agency building in Little Seoul. While this clip was a little longer then normal I decided to do a straight live record rather then a timed save. you will see they pull me out of a car. Instantly kill several cars and a real kicker of a flip they preformed.

Menu use to make up for actual talent is just disgusting and takes away from honest players. These dogs need to have their accounts banned.

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