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"Little scientific evidence" biological males have an advantage in women's sports: NBC News

3 years ago

"Little scientific evidence" biological males have an advantage in women's sports: NBC News


  • 0/2000
  • That's stupid. There's nothing else to say about that. They refuse to listen to science. That's not scientific.

  • most Biological males have an advantage in women's sports. lets not forget that 15 year old boys soccer team defeated the US Women's Olympic soccer team. lets not forget that trans male athletes are decimating Women's current sports records.

  • Little evidence… other than basic biology and the crushing wins these men are racking up

  • Little scientific evidence? Here's a fact: The NCAA record for the Women's 4 x 400m relay is 3:23 and a bit. The school record for a so so boy's team in Kaysville, Utah is the same. In 1968, on a dirt track, 5 laps to the mile, our team ran 3:25. We didn't even place in top 5 at State. That's just one data pont of empirical evidence. There's similar examples in every sport of mediocre men's performance being superior to women's. This swimmer winning all races has the support from its team mates because when it wins races, the TEAM wins meets. If its team mates were not supportive, they'd get destroyed on social media and by "woke" school administration.