🐖The Real Reason Muslims Dont Eat Pork! 😈

2 years ago

The Real Reason why Muslims dont eat Pork is because Jesus removed Demon "Legion" from a man and they went into swine pigs. why may you ask? The pig flesh and skin is very similar to human flesh and skin. Its also known that Human flesh tastes very much like pork. So with this, Muslims and others refuse to eat their friends of Demon Legion. They get very angry, aggrressive and negative if they even are given pork by mistake. The demons went into swine and its forbidden to eat their friends who may be in swine til this day.

The story goes the pigs ran off a cliff and into the sea and drowned but they dont mention if all the pigs did so. Evil was able to continue, to survive transmitted to human hosts, vessels through time. So there you go, Now you know. The rest of the excuses are just covers.

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