Unexplained UFO Seen in Tampa, Florida on New Years Day

3 years ago

A UFO was recorded in central Florida on New Years Day 2022. The video shows an orange ball that remains somewhat steady in flight. The person recorded describes some interesting features and behaviors. During the last few seconds of the video, the UFO rapidly elevates and the video ends.

On the same day, a similar UFO was seen in Croatia:


What do you think this is? Let us know in the comments. For more detailed discussion, find us on thefreespeechforum.com

#ufo #ufosighting #ufosightings #tampa #unidentifiedflyingobject #science #whatisthis #tampaflorida #tampafl #orangeball #orangeballufo #ufoelevates #uforapidlyelevates #aliens #croatia #croatiaufo #florida #cellphone #cellphonecam #tfsf #thefreespeechforum

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