Surah AR- Rahman 2022 | Recitation by Fatih Seferagic | Digital effects by EndGame | Allah's Favors

2 years ago

ORIGINS OF SURAH AR- RAHMAN - When this Surah was revealed to the prophet, he had not yet gone public with the message of Islam, and he had busied himself with inviting friends, relatives, and close associates to the new faith.

The total number of Muslims by this time might have numbered less than fifty persons, and the opposition of the Quraysh was mostly from their leadership and from individual families who might have opposed their members joining what they considered to be a new cult. Indeed, was mostly the young who were responding to the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) call, and he had quite a few young men and women in his following.

One day in a secret meeting, several of the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) followers began to point out that the general public had never heard anyone recite the Qur'an in the public square before, and they wondered aloud who among them should be the first to do it.

A young man named 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (RA) volunteered, but many in the meeting were scared for his safety and suggested that someone who was stronger or who had better family connections should do it, as he might be attacked by the pagans.

Abdullah merely said, "Leave me alone, for Allah is my protector." The next morning, he entered into the courtyard of the Kaaba where the various tribal elders were holding their counsels, and he began to recite this very chapter, raising his voice as he went along.

At first, the Quraysh didn't know what he was saying, but soon they realized that he was reciting some of the Qur'an that the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) was preaching in private to people all over the city. They rose and set upon him with their palms and their fists, but 'Abdullah, staggering under their blows, kept on reciting. When he could bear it no more, he returned to the companions of the Prophet, and they said they expected what occurred to befall him. Abdullah said, "Allah's enemies were never so light for me as they were today. If you give the word, then I'll recite the Qur'an to them again tomorrow." They all said, "No, you've done enough; you've made them listen to what they didn't want to hear."
(Ibn Hisham)

Surah Ar-Rahman is the 55th Surah in the Quran comprising of 78 verses. This Surah comes as close to audible art as one can get.
Channel link to Fatih Seferagic (reciter):

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