Housing Bubble 2.0 - 2022 Housing Predictions: Massive Home Equity Withdrawal & Credit Easing Cycles

3 years ago

2022 Housing Predictions:Massive Home Equity Withdrawal & Credit Easing Cycles. With the amount of "tappable" Home Equity more than doubling since the previous Housing Market Peak back in 2006, Homeowners now have around $23 Trillion in "play money". Will all this new found Equity become a little too tempting for the average homeowner ? Expectations are that the current tightened Credit Standards will be eased enough to allow a far greater number of people the ability to tap into the Home Equity. How will this play out ? Just as it did back in the previous Housing Crisis ......... Equity Stripping puts the property and Homeowner at risk even if there is a slight drop in home values.

This channel discusses recent articles, data and information about the Housing Bubble, Housing Crash, Home Prices, Forbearance, Foreclosures and Short Sales.

Additionally there is a focus on Mortgage Delinquencies, Mortgage Rates, Real Estate Investing, and the current situation associated with the Eviction and Foreclosure Sale Moratorium.​

Today is January 7th 2022 and Randy will discuss the following topics:

2022 Housing Market Predictions
Massive Equity Drawdown
Easing & Equitable Credit




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I can be reached at:

Randy Patrick
Licensed Real Estate Broker
WestBay Real Estate, Inc.

The free report for the Top 10 Reasons Why We Will Have Another Housing Crash and Housing Crisis can be downloaded at:


If you have any questions, or wish to discuss Housing or Real Estate Investment, You can reach me directly at: randy@luxuryshortsales.com

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I am not an attorney, financial planner, CPA or tax advisor. This channel merely provides opinion, commentary and summarizes data and information that is readily available to the general public regarding the Housing Market. I advise you to seek tax / legal / professional counsel and for everyone to do their own due diligence prior to making any significant decisions or purchases regarding real estate or other investment matters.

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