What To Look For In A Fly Fishing Vest | YourFishGuide.com

2 years ago

When you’re fly fishing, it feels like there’s only you and the fish in the stream. On the other hand, many things have to be brought on a fishing trip.

From retractable clippers, leaders, and flies to rain gear, wallets, and cell phones, to packed lunch. Ask around your fellow fly fishing enthusiasts, and you will find that many of them can carry gear weighing up to 15 pounds!

While you can place these things in a conventional backpack, you will find that it’s an inconvenient container. Instead, you should use a fly fishing vest!

Things To Look For In A Fly Fishing Vest
Remember that the best fly fishing vest isn’t just a piece of clothing placed over your regular fly fishing clothes. It’s a specially-designed vest for holding most, if not all, of the myriad of big and small things you will need for a day of fly fishing.

For this reason, it should have plenty of pockets! But not too many that you won’t be able to identify which pocket holds what items, and you can’t access these items quickly.

You may spend more minutes than necessary on finding, say, a fly instead of casting it toward rising trout because you can’t find it in the jumble of pockets.

Also, you will be tempted to pack more things than needed when you have a vest with many pockets. In this case, it becomes a burden, no thanks to its unnecessary weight, and it contributes to your discomfort and fatigue.

We suggest looking for a vest with 10 to 20 pockets, give or take a few small ones. You should have plenty of room to hold the essentials, get easy access to them, and keep them organized.

Be sure to consider the size of the pockets, too. The best fly fishing vest has small, medium, and large pockets that can hold nearly every size of essentials except the proverbial kitchen sink.

We suggest getting a vest with more large-sized and medium-sized pockets than small-sized ones. You will need the former for your wallet, car keys, and phone, while the latter is for fly boxes and leaders, among other things.

You can leave the other non-essential things in your car so your vest doesn’t feel too heavy or wieldy.

The next factor for consideration is the type of material used, and there are two types to choose from.

📖 Read More at: https://www.yourfishguide.com/what-to-look-for-in-a-fly-fishing-vest

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